Phone: 08 9641 2200
Mobile: 0429 412 200
Address: 254 Ashworth Rd, York WA 6302
PO BOX 688 York WA 6302
Extra Virgin olive oil must be stored in clean containers. If it’s put into containers containing traces of stale oil it will pick up the rancid flavour and be ruined.
Containers, especially plastic 10 and 20 litre drums, should be cleaned as soon as they are empty and before bad flavours can permeate the plastic.
We recommend using Pascoe’s caustic soda which is available in 500g containers from all supermarkets (“Mechanix” Caustic Soda, click HERE for the relevant material safety data sheet).
Use 55g (2 tablespoons) of caustic soda per litre of cold water. Put 1 litre into your drum and give it a good shake with the top on. Drain and repeat. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water THREE times.
Allow the container to dry with the top off and store it out of direct sunlight.
If cleaned and stored correctly your drums will give you many years of service.
(Click HERE to download a printable PDF version of this page).