Contact Us

Phone: 08 9641 2200

Mobile: 0429 412 200

Address: 254 Ashworth Rd, York WA 6302

PO BOX 688 York WA 6302

Real Bread

The Gluten Cave – Flour – Water – Salt – Fire

Hand-made with stone-milled flour, water, salt and with no commercial yeast added, risen slowly then baked in our wood-fired oven. This is genuine, real bread and there really is nothing like it. Arnaud is currently baking each Saturday morning and the loaves come out of the oven at about ten o’clock. They sell-out very quickly so if you want to get in ahead of the locals please contact us to place an order.

Arnaud and his Real Bread

Arnaud and loaves of Real Bread, straight from the wood-fired oven.

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