Phone: 08 9641 2200
Mobile: 0429 412 200
Address: 254 Ashworth Rd, York WA 6302
PO BOX 688 York WA 6302
Easter is here and it marks the traditional start of the olive processing season in W.A. We have already started crushing the first early batches and are now taking bookings. If you are new to olive growing do make sure you pick your olives at the right time by reading this: Knowing When to Pick Your Olives
Our retail shop will be open everyday over the long Easter Weekend:
Good Friday (7 April) 10am to 5pm
Easter Saturday (8 April) 10am to 5pm
Easter Sunday (9 April) 10am to 5pm
Easter Monday (10 April) 10am to 5pm
Watch this space for the availability of the new season’s fresh 2023 Olio Novello.