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“The Best Sourdough in WA”

Couldn’t let this pass unnoticed! An article on the Hyundai i30N by motoring journalist Olga de Moeller in this week’s West Australian:

We took it to York earlier this month for a writers programme breakfast hosted by Travel and Motoring Editor Stephen Scourfield – and chanced upon the best sourdough in WA at Botanicalia café on Avon Terrace. 
It’s made by The Gluten Cave at the York Olive Oil Company and worth the 180km round road trip alone – but you have to get in quick.”

Quick indeed. Arnaud only bakes once a week on Saturday mornings and as each loaf is individually hand-formed there’s not an infinite supply. It is available at our retail shop on Ashworth Road, at Botanicalia on Avon Terrace and at Gather York at the old flour mill in York.  Contact us to let us know you are coming and we will reserve a loaf or two for you.

The original article from the West (13 October 2021) is on the West Australian website, (subscription required).